E Cubed Photography » Senior and Family Portraits

Melissa is Beauty Revived

Meet Melissa.

Melissa Gratkowski is one of the 50 women chose as the most beautiful moms in the country.  Not just for her physical beauty but of her heart and mind.  If you haven’t seen her story you can check it out over at the Beauty Revived website.  click here  I am beyond excited that she has been published in a national magazine and recognized for her hard work and achievements.   Here’s a little sneak peek of her editorial published in the beauty revived magazine.

“Meet Melissa. She is Beauty Revived.

My wife, Melissa Gratkowski, is the daughter of a Texas cattle rancher, the mother of two beautiful children, the wife of a federal Special Agent and the first ever Public Information Officer for the Eagle Pass Independent School District. Melissa is proud to be the daughter of a cattle rancher, because the life she was born into created who she is today, a strong, independent female whose core values include impeccable integrity and an unwavering commitment to God, family and community. Melissa is a charismatic, energetic and optimistic person who continuously sees the positives in people. She has learned the importance of first impressions; therefore she will always greet you with a delightful smile and a firm handshake.
Melissa was born in McAllen, Texas and was raised just north of a small agricultural town known as Rio Grande City, Texas. Melissa spent most of her childhood at “Starr Feed Yards Inc.”, one of the largest cattle feedlots in South Texas…(continued on the Beauty Revived Website)”

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